
Learn TODAY what
QR Manager® can do
for your Business!

Authenticate Your Product

Introducing a unique and powerful tool which harnesses the mobile world to authenticate, market and collect data. QR Manager® enables any size business to secure their brand reputation and connect directly to their end users! Authenticate & Market directly from your package with our cost-effective and easy-to-use solution!

Web Page Creator

Create customized webpages easily with our new Webpage Creation System. Include information, photos and even videos on a template affordably designed to your specs.

With this WYSIWYG system, data is entered and uploaded by you to create webpages that can mirror your website – no expensive web development.

PLUS – QR Manager® can be white labeled to
your brand and is available for resale!!
Above is an example of a custom template for HOLOH.

With your custom template and this system, you can generate
countless webpages for your customers to view.

Reach Customers Through
your Product QR Codes

Customers scan the QR Code with a mobile device then your webpage
or one you generate within our system will display!